(+84) 255 3620055

Industrial Park in the East of Dung Quat Economic Zone, Binh Dong Commune, Binh Son District, Quang Ngai Province, Vietnam

DQS organize activities to welcome National day and Cultural Week of Petrovietnam

In the last days of August, DQS organized many sports & cultural activities to welcome the 67th anniversary of National Day of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the establishment of the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group and in response to the Cultural Week of Petrovietnam (28/8/2012 - 03/9/2012) by the Trade Union and youth Union. Most of staffs cheer  for more than 150 athletes from DQS, customers & partners of DQS. They compete in three sports with 4 content: Volleyball (men, pairs) and badminton (women), tennis doubles.


Starting from 20.08.2012 with volleyball. Until 29/8, after 10 days of exciting, dramatic and engaging competition with 34 round, a team from the Machinery Department won the championship. Badminton prize also closed in the afternoon 29/8 with championship belongs to Ngoc Chi & Thuy Kieu pair.


For Tennis prize, pair Le Huy- Duc  (Shipowners  PVTrans) has excellent won the championship after 15 round competed fiercely with 06 pairs.


Cultural exchange program with the theme "Contry’s Sea & island" including songs praising country, song about the petroleum industry and the Company dated 30.08.2012 closed in a fun atmosphere with the spirit of communicating  and building solidarity between the units of the Group, as well as between the  employees in the company. Program has educated the youth union about  tradition of petrovietnam, creating healthy play yard, attracting a large number of officials and youth members in the Company and other entities in the Group.


On 31/9/2012, Youth Company also participated in Petroleum cultural festivals with other  units in Quang Ngai held in Van Tuong, the Dung Quat Economic Zone. DQS Youth Union has 80 members to play with 4 content: tennis (pair, male), tug (male, female), Jump (Male, Female) , talent Captain and cultural festival program with 03 items solo, duet, trio of women.  DQS Youth won the third prize, BSR Youth won the first prize and PTSC Youth won the second prize.